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    “This weekend brought hope to my heart and our relationship.”

      “This workshop was so helpful because it was a mix of Imago education and application and allowed us to stay present in Imago therapy practices for an extended period of time in order to have real breakthroughs.”

        “Brilliant facilitator in a safe, supporting space.  Worth every penny/minute we invested and made us so committed to continue what we began.  Thank you!”

          “The atmosphere is safe, warm and welcoming.  Karen’s gentle guidance, encouragement and expertise enabled my husband and me to transform our relationship and better understand our deepest unmet needs in a way that wasn’t awkward, strange or overwhelming.”

            “This workshop came at an especially pivotal time in our relationship and I think literally will have helped me keep my relationship with my husband.  We had hoped to gain more tools for communication and have taken so much more home with us.  So grateful… Read More »

              “Karen is such a fantastic coach/teacher and has such a calming presence.  Her passion to help couples is so clear.  I would return for further workshops in the future.”

                “No matter the stage…Any relationship would benefit from the tools presented.”

                  “Karen is an amazing teacher who has a caring heart and is able to meet people where they are at.  My husband and I learned invaluable skills that will enhance our marriage.”

                    “Incredible workshop.  I feel like we are newly-weds again?  Well worth the time and financial investment.”

                      “Learned so much about my partner and feel more connected.  Love the way it creates neutral ground to discover and be curious about each other.  This workshop strips away our armor and puts us on level ground.  Pretty much the best investment you can make… Read More »