In addition to being trained in EFT, she is also a certified Imago therapist who is a former faculty member at the Imago Relationship Institute (IRI). She is the recipient of two awards from this organization: one for Clinical Excellence (2006) and another for Community Building (2011).
She is known the world over as a superior clinician and teacher and here is what her students and the co-founder of Imago therapy, Harville Hendrix, have said about her:
“Jette Simon is a distinguished Imago therapist, an accomplished clinical trainer and a superb workshop presenter. But even more than that, she is large and warm at heart, brilliant in mind, broad in vision, and embracing in her love. With all her work around the world, no one has done more to spread the word about Imago across the planet.”
–Harville Hendrix, Ph. D.
Co-Creator of Imago Relationship Therapy and author of Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples.
From her students/trainees:
“Jette has unparalleled empathy, warmth and attunement.”
–Robert Dimino
Plainview, NY
“Jette skillfully models the Imago concepts—validation, attunement, empathy—in all aspects of her teaching.”
–Rebecca Whitmore
Washington, D.C.
“Jette shares her remarkable wisdom in such a quiet, gentle way. I especially appreciated how willing she was to share herself with the group.”
–Lisa Topchik
Washington, D.C.
This rare event is in February (27-28), 2015 and you can reserve your spot AND get a discount of over $50 by registering early (before January 17th)! (If participants exceed 25, for instance, we will be offering this at a different venue.)