Instructor Karen Jorgenson shows students at Caritas how to improve posture and bodily alignment
By Karen Jorgenson
Over time, our bodies can adapt to habits such as slouching or sitting and get out of balance. This can lead to pain, stiffness, misalignment and other symptoms.
The good news is, the body can be retrained with the correct exercises. Simple exercises and movements that I teach in weekly classes and private sessions at Caritas Center for Healing.
Anybody can do it, though see below for basic requirements.
The better news is … preventative medicine! Don’t wait till your body aches or malfunctions.
Yes, you will exercise in this class
By attending my Basic Posture Class at Caritas, you will learn exercises that stimulate key posture and gait muscles. I combine my 13 years of experience as an Advanced Posture Alignment Specialist to intersperse techniques and movements from a wide variety of exercise systems. We even do strength training on occasion – whatever works to help students retrain, strengthen and loosen their bodies.
Although we regularly use some exercises, no two classes are ever the same. We have a lot of fun mixing things up – sometimes there is even homework!
All are welcome. Some students have been with me for years. Many are private clients. New students can join a class at any time. See below for a note about basic class requirements.
Good exercise form equals good results
I’m a stickler for protocol and correct form – the form of each exercise is crucial. I leave no detail to chance. In my classes, which run from 8-12 students on average, everyone is checked for correct form and movement and given personal assistance when needed. I’m here to help.
Our Motto is “Take What the Body Will Give.” Within that parameter, we still find that the work can be challenging. You WILL feel different when you walk out of my classroom. Those who have physical limitations are responsible for telling me if they have difficulty – I can usually offer modifications, so you take what the body will give and, most of all, be safe!
Over time, as you practice the exercises, your body will give more!
Who can benefit – basic requirements
The main test, to know if this class is for you, is this: Can you easily and safely get up and down from the floor two or three times during the hour? Can you safely move from lying on your back to lying on your stomach? Are you capable of being on your hands and knees for 3-5 minutes at a time? These seemingly simple tasks are completely out of the question for some people. If this is your situation, please contact me (see below). Over time, I hope to add additional specialty classes that avoid the strain of the above movements, for those dealing mobility challenges.
Class Times and Costs
Classes are conducted on Wednesdays at 8:30AM and Fridays at 8AM (No class the third Friday of the month). No one is expected to participate in every class. Simply come when you can.
Prices are: $12 for one class, $60 for a pack of 10, $96 for a pack of 12. Classroom entrance is located at southwest corner of the building. Off-street parking available.
For directions, see below.
Feel free to contact me personally at karenjorgensen1108 @ if you have questions.